Thousands of adult children in Georgia and throughout the nation have become care providers for their aging parents. These sons and daughters no doubt love their parents and are doing their best to balance their own family life and professional obligations with the amount of time they spend at the homes of their parents, helping them with any number of issues, such as cooking, personal hygiene, transportation and more. Some families are currently trying to discern whether the time has come in their particular situations to execute an assisted living plan.
When families are at a crossroads regarding daily care for aging parents, it can be a highly emotional time. There are often several issues that convince elders and/or their children that an independent living situation is no longer a viable option. For instance, if a parent is experiencing signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, functioning on a daily basis may become increasingly difficult.
If a son or daughter cannot be on hand 24/7, things can quickly take a turn for the worse, especially if the parent in question is suffering symptoms of Sundowner’s syndrome. This is a condition where dementia patients tend to become agitated during the evening and night-time hours. Some people become violent or aggressive in their behavior, perhaps even acting out sexually or by trying to physically assault a caregiver. This type of situation can become unbearable, and it is often a catalyst to transitioning to an assisted living facility.
An elderly parent’s safety may be at risk if he or she keeps forgetting to turn off the stove or wanders out into traffic. This may be a sign that it is no longer a good idea for him or her to live alone. In Georgia living assisted environments, there are staff members on hand at all times to supervise residents and keep them as safe as possible. There may be financial or legal implications involved in an assisted living plan, which an adult child can discuss with an experienced long-term care planning attorney before implementing a proposed plan.
Kevin Tharpe
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